Let Robin take you BEHIND THE SCENES
for an engaging look at
• The world at war
• The world of horse racing
• The world of journalism
An award-winning author, journalist, storyteller and horsewoman, Robin gives presentations that are entertaining, lively and frequently humorous. She offers three talks, each one keyed to one of her books, and is also available to lead a creative writing workshop. Audiences receive a fascinating look at rarely-seen aspects of life during World War II, life at the racetrack, or life in the newsroom. Slides of topical photographs and displays of relevant artifacts and materials enhance the experience.
“The room erupted in laughter time and again listening to Robin’s wonderful storytelling and deadpan humor.”
“Horse Fever”
Robin leverages her past experiences as chairman of the Virginia Racing
Commission and as a lifelong horsewoman to give audiences an
authentic look at life at the racetrack—including the mind-boggling
things people with “horse fever” do.
“Will He Come Home?”
Robin’s years of in-depth research, including
a madcap trip to India and the Burmese
border, give her a unique perspective on what it was like to
live through World War II, both at home and abroad—allowing
her to share the story of her parents’ exotic global courtship, a
story filled with emotion and adventure, featuring burning
airplanes, runaway horses, the pain of separation and the
eternal question: “Will he come home?”
“Tarzana and the Cocaine Bust”
Robin’s five years as a feature writer for the Richmond
Times-Dispatch provided fodder both harrowing and
humorous for a talk about the unexpected challenges
of being a reporter—and why she became a
humor writer.

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